
Friday, March 26, 2021

Reflection section

Text title-Tieke

Text type-Facts

Text purpose:Facts about Tieke

Last week we had to make poster about Tieke our Kahu about the facts about Tieke. 

We deiced to make the poster digital on google drawing these birds are in danger there only have 650 extincts in New Zealand they only live in North Island and South Island.These birds are very cheeky just likes monkeys.There more facts about Tieke in the poster

Thursday, March 18, 2021


 Today we had to research about Tieke and make poster about Tieke me and Jacob have made poster on google drawing showing what these birds sound like where do they live what it eats and what the bird sounds like here is our poster.


For social studies we have been learning about Gallipoli World war 1 British declare war.There were many posters and on newspapers asking British citizens to join and fight for there country but you had to be 18 years over.There were so many citizens that wanted to join the war and fight for there country there were many underage kids that lied about there age.The underage kids joined the war because they thought it would be fun killing the Germans but they haven't seen there other side.These kids would be still living with there partners so they did'ent know how to survival and make there food and make shelter.After learning how to use rife etc.At dawn on 25 April 1915 allied troops landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Ottoman Turkey.The Gallipoli campaign was land to based element of a strategy to allowed Allied ship.The ANZAC troops got slaughtered because the Turkish were ready for the ANZAC troops to land on the beach Turkish troops with there machine guns spraying everyone snipers and more.The ANZAC troops had to evacuated most of there men died Turkish was successful to defend there post.

The last post is important to remember the solders that fought in World War 1.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Reflection section

Text title-Word war 1

Text type-Facts

Text creator:Peter Jackson 

Text purpose:To learn about what in World War 1.

World War 1 started in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.This is when Austria,Hungary declared war. United Kingdom joined the war the put posters ever for people over 18 were aloud to join the war to fight for there country.There were thousands of people wanting to sign in to fight for there country there many underage that singed up and lied about there age.They thought that it would be fun kill the Germans some of them wish they did dent t sign up they would have to make there own food make there own shelter some of these underage kid were still living with there parents so did ent know how to survival. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Atomic Science:Periodic Table

For the past weeks we have being learning about atoms,periodic table.The periodic table shows us how many atoms are in the elements.It also shows the total of how many protons,neutrons,electrons.Each row represented one period of number the period of element indicates how many energy levels electrons.

We did experiment and put cold water in bowl then you want to put Universal Indicator.First you put Lithium in the water a small bit of it.Then you put sodium then it blows up




DTE(Digital Technology)

 For the past weeks we have being doing DTE(Digital Technology) this term for DTE(Digital Technology)We have being watching videos about how to computers store data,how are images represented using binary,how is text represented using binary,what is compression,how does the binary number system work.These videos were very interested and teach some new stuff about technology after watching there videos we had to get in group

.Our group was Chris,Cody,and I we got introduced to new platform I haven't heard of it was called Trello a platform where you can have a group or bye yourself were you can make board what you need to do or just your ideas.Here is our board when you click on them your see the facts.When we have done this.

We had to make a game about what we were learning about we got introduced to a new platform called co spaces is where you can make games and code them.We had a play to learn how make and code stuff people around the globe making there games to let others play.We got to play people others game around the globe there were some cool ones.Our idea was to have parkour game if you want to pass the other level you have to answer about the video we have being watching if you get the question wrong the platform will go away you have to wait 5 seconds until you can answer the question.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Give nothing to rasicm

 This week we have being watching YouTube video about give nothing to racism. Racism starts small it lives everyday and racism jokes that we laugh.We can stop normal racism before it goes into extreme we should never encourage racism here is the video to watch.We can get it nothing