
Friday, June 21, 2019

Zapped Task

I'm going to predict for Zapped chapter 2 Is that they have to clean mess that the robot made.I think that they going go to their school for there project bring the robot but it going to break the people projects that they made.So they going get kick out of the school.


We are going to read a story that has four chapters. This is the first chapter of Zapped!
LO: To use clues and examples from the text to support our answers. “How do you know?”

Please answer the following questions in FULL sentences.

Review Question: What is inferencing?  Inferencing means is an idea or conclusion drawn from evidence and reasoning.

Opinion: What is this story about? The story is about two twins have made a robot for doing their chores.They left the robot outside and storm came and lighting bolt hit the robot means that it gave power for the robot.

Scan: Why did Tai and Ana want to make a robot? What did they decide to call it? Why? Give an example from the text. They wanted to make a robot because it would do clean their rooms etc.It was a storm that was coming when they woke up it was raining.  

Scan: What did the twins make Tidy Bot out of? Where did they get the supplies from? They got it from there household junk.They made Tidy Bot out of old toaster,broken hair dryer,roller skates, that they found in the garage.

Scan: What brought Tidy Bot to life? How do you know? It was when a storm came and a lighting bolt hit the robot.The lighting bolt gave him power.

Inferencing: How do you think Tai and Ana felt when they saw the robot making breakfast? How would you feel? I would feel happy but the robot might have dropped some stuff on the floor and make mease.

Inferencing: How do you think Mum felt when she saw the mess in the kitchen? Why do you think she felt that way? She would feel angry because there mease everywhere she wouldn't clear

Predict: What do you think will happen in Chapter 2 of Zapped? The twins will have to clean the mease.

Great work on your short answer questions, have a look back at the reading slides and work on your “Create” task! Share this to your blog with a summary of what you have read. Add your prediction of what you think will happen in Chapter 2 of Zapped!

Climate Change

Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.

As you watch the video answer these questions:

What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?
Climate Change
How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
  1.   Floods
  2.   strong winds
  3. Heat waves
  4.   Storms

What is needed to change history?
stop using fossil fuels

Is climate change a man made disaster?

Dramatic action must be made in the next 10 years to change it?

Why is our climate changing?
world is getting hotter

What is causing the warming trend of the climate?
Fossil fuels

What is the main problem?
burning stuff

What are examples of these?
coal gas oil

Burning fossil fuels releases what gas?
carbon dioxide

How much hotter now is our world?
1 degree

How is this affecting creatures / animals like bats?
They died

What percentage of species are near exteinction?

How could this effect the world ecosystems?
Things can't eat other things and they die
What global change was seen and recording breaking last year?
Wild fires

How is climate change affecting our weather systems?
1. flash flooding
2. more rain
3. super storms

What is another effect of climate change?
Ice melting

What will happen if the ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic?
Countries will be consumed

How does this affect people?
country's disappear  

What other things affect oceans change?
warmer water

What does to much heat do to coral?
kill it

Why did some industries not want to stop burning fossil fuels?

they wouldn't make money.

Stop at 23.39


You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or Powerpoint.

Write a definition, upload an image and list where these fossil fuels are mined.
Image result for small coalImage result for oilImage result for Natural Gas Natural gas a gas 
  1. Coal
  2. Oil
  3. Natural Gas

Write a paragraph of 5 sentence,upload an image and name 2 countries that use this type of renewable energy.

  1. Solar 
  2. Wind
  3. Waves
  4. Hydro

Write a 5 sentence reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect us in the future.  

If my shoes were alive

If my shoes were alive they would run away to get better shoes when it got better it then the better shoes go back to my home.Then another  pear would go to the ocean.It will sink in the ocean.When I go back to my house

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Mindful art

Today we had to watch a video about Mindful Colouring. We had to write and think about coloring competition and what does Mindful drawing about.

There were some stuff we were talking about like how many different color competition will we need.where will get the prizes from will their be age group or can we get prizes donated. I think we should have age group so than fair so than they the best year 7 at drawing so than have vs older people.

 Image result for coloring competition

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Science Badges

Hurumanu - Science Badges: Introduction

Science Badges:

Image result for science badge  


  • Climate Science
  • Global Warming
  • Recycling
  • Renewable Energy
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Ecology
  • Our Planet
  • Water
  • Plants
  1. 15 Points are needed to get a badge
  2. A high standard of work.
  • All experiments are written up ( Aim, Materials, Steps, Conclusion)
  • Two photos of your experiment
  • 6 sentences at least for a conclusion

Science will be twice per week.

  • Lesson 1: This will be an Experiment that involves blogging. You will be expected to open a new post, copy Mr Palmer's blog and paste it on your new post.
  • Lesson 2: This will be an Investigation that relates to the topic from Lesson 1. It will be own choice and displayed in a way that you prefer. For example - PowerPoint, Doc, etc


All the blogs and science lessons will be displayed on Mr Palmers blog:

Bookmark it!

  • 1 blog must be completed per Hurumanu lesson.
  • A completed blog must have the four headings ( Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion), correct writing and punctuation under each heading and be published. No post, no points.
  • 2 images of the experiment / investigation on the blog.
Using the Scientific method of investigation:

Aim: What the experiment / investigation is about.
Method: Instructions on how the experiment / investigation is carried out. This includes the equipment.
Findings: What have we learnt or found out from our experiment / investigation. This is called Data, Information or Facts. It is displayed in a chart, table or picture.

My Hurumanu Science Goals:

1.   I complete my work when I have given make sure that I will do blog post

2. I am out stander to chose to help people

3.  I know what my next steps are


Monday, June 10, 2019

Japanese task

Saia  Hia

nice to meet you

What your name

Watashi wa mirii desu.

Kuraisutochaachi ni sunde imasu.

I live in Christchurch

Watashi wa juu nisai desu.

I am 12 years old

My hobbit is gaming

Friday, June 7, 2019

Learning Story

People smart: For this goal I was listen to Jaden ideas about what should we do. I was listening to my partner when we were working on the decades slides.

Active learner: For this goal I didn't say that I couldn't do it I said I practice more.

Learning Smart: For this goal when I was away or didn't know what do I would ask someone In my group or the teacher what to do.

Thinking Smart: For this goal when I have fished on my work then I would reflect on my learning on to my blog.

Cybersmart: For this goal I was doing music task and if the wasn't looking I would still be doing my task.

My favorite task was when we had to do decades it was all about how music was in the decades we had to start. At 1910 to 2010 we had to choose the popular music and the popular type  of music in those decades.When we had done that we had chose the most popular people for those decades. My buddy was Jayden When it was complete I moved to another task here is my link to the music decades  slides.

My other favorite task when we did band bios we had to choose band that is from New Zealand when you have pick you band you had to write their stage name and their band name mine was six60.After that we had to research how much awards they have won then we had to research about instring fact about the band