Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
Materials;Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
2. water
3. circle container/small
Step 1: First you want to get you small circle container then you want to get your skittles put 5 skittles in the small circle then you want to separate them.
Step 2: next Is the water when you get the water you will put it in your circle container after you done you wait little bit and you will see you the skittles colour in the water I will show you picture at the end you now eat the skittles
Findings: Write about what happened Today we got to do experiment with skittles we got 5 skittles in small circle container we wait for our teacher to put the water in we wait few seconds then this want happen if you can see the picture that what happen to our everyone probably is to eat the skittles.
Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment that if you put water the in skittles.
What did the colours do when you put the water the colour
Did the colours mix together?
Why or why no because we separate the skittles