
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Monsters of the Deep


1  Squid  don’t have a back bone they are called  invertebrates.
2   Squid  have eight  arms lined with hooks, suckers and sucker rings or a combination of hooks  and suckers.
3  A thin strip of shell called a gladius or pen inside  its body.
4 Colossal squid live more than 1000 metres down in the near freezing Antarctic Ocean. That’s a kilometre  underwater.


Colossal squid  belongs  to the family Cranchiidae  glass squid.   Scientists have used underwater  cameras to try to film these animals but there is still a lot we don’t know about them. Giant squid weighs up to 275 kilograms female  or 150 kilograms  male. Giant squid lives in mid depth water from 200 1000.



Giant squid have 2 six to seven  metre long tentacles. Colossal squid  have 2 two  to three  metre long tentacles.  Giant squid have a long cylinder shape while colossal squid have a huge fin on its back, a small head and dinner plate sized eyes. Giant squid have 8 short arms with rows of suckers no hooks.Colossal squid have 8 short arms  lined with hooks and suckers.  

